
Shreveport Green is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting a healthy, sustainable, and economically vital community through public outreach, community enhancement, and a specific respect for the natural and built environment.

Guiding Principles

Education: This is the key to encouraging positive behaviors toward community improvement.

Individual Responsibility: Improving communities, their environment, and quality of life all begins with personal responsibility -- individuals becoming more engaged as citizens and stewards of the environment.

Public-Private Partnerships: Broad-based community alliances are essential to achieve sustainable community improvement.

Volunteer Action: By engaging volunteers we extend the reach of our education and multiply the impact of our actions.


Shreveport Green changes behaviors and improves communities through a focus on these areas.

  • Regenerative Sustainability: Educating by exemplifying processes that restore, renew, and revitalize ecosystems and communities; regenerative agriculture methods, native plant and naturalist education, and local farmer support.

  • Tree Canopy Restoration: Planting trees, free tree distributions, educating about proper planting techniques, and benefits of trees on biodiversity and health.

  • Community Greening & Environmental Enhancement: Improving the visual and environmental aspects of our communities through programs that beautifully and naturally restore our environment including community gardens, vacant lot restoration, highway and waterway enhancement, and native plantings.

  • Healthy Lifestyle: Encouraging healthy living through the cultivation of community gardens, local food choices, healthy food preparation, and improving access to local fruits & vegetables through our Mobile Market.

  • Litter Prevention: Defining litter; identifying the causes; reducing it by organizing cleanups; and promoting the proper handling of discarded waste in our communities.

  • Waste Reduction: Reducing the impact of solid waste in our community through integrated programs including responsible consumerism, source reduction and reuse, composting, recycling & upcycling, education about landfills, and proper household hazardous waste disposal.

Meet the Team

  • Lauren LJ Jones

    Executive Director


    (318) 219-1888 Ex12

  • Shanetta Brown

    Urban Farm Director


    (318) 219-1888 Ex10

  • Christopher Dupree   

    ShreveCorps Director


    (318) 219-1888 Ex18

  • Cameron Davis

    ShreveCorps Assistant Director


    (318) 219-1888 Ex22

  • Jen Rogers

    Mobile Market Director


    (318) 219-1888 Ex20

  • Katie Caldwell

    Community Resilience Coordinator


    (318) 219-1888 Ex14

Shreveport Green Board of Directors

Mike Thomas, President

Capt. Richard Corbett, Vice President

Bob Thames, Treasurer

Abbie Allgood, Secretary

April Dahm

John Harrison

Christopher Mangin, MPT, MHA

Paul Pratt

Larry Raymond

Darrell Rebouche

Jeremy Taylor

Jason Waltman, J.D.

Tia White

Lynn Yancey

Our History

Shreveport Green was founded in March 1990 as a joint project of the Shreveport Medical Society, Shreveport Beautification Foundation, and the Shreveport Clean Community Commission, with much of the initial support and encouragement coming from the City of Shreveport.. In 1992, the Clean Community Commission merged into Shreveport Green and the Shreveport Beautification Foundation downsized to become a granting agency. Currently, Shreveport Green is governed by a board of 24 directors, with the implementation of projects being carried out by a full time staff of seven.

Shreveport Green serves the entire community: our main premise being education. We feel that public education can be achieved through many different types of programming, especially in regard to environmental issues. Therefore, in an effort to impact as many people as possible, we operate a variety of programs/services under the umbrella of education.

Our vision for Shreveport is a clean, green, physically enhanced community whose citizens exhibit a strong sense of pride and concern about the environment. We maintain that an attractive city promotes pride and economic development. We advocate for a sustainable environment through working directly with the neighborhoods; holding litter cleanups; planting trees; growing community gardens and orchards; and promoting locally grown produce through our Mobile Market…..hoping to engage the full participation of the community through projects and programs!